This is the second issue of Ambrosia Software’s latest foray into the online world. As the number of Ambrosia’s happy shareware users grows, it becomes increasingly challenging to communicate with everyone effectively. And we have a lot to say. Answers to common questions, hints on game strategy, company profiles and information about new software. So by addressing these issues in an open public forum, Ambrosia can get the most information out to the most people. Do not take this the wrong way. We are still happy to receive your letters, defuse your bugs, and register your shareware on a personal level. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide information, help, and a few laughs in a general way.
Flexibility with a capital “F.” To serve any purpose in the software industry a company has to be flexible, able to quickly adapt to constant changes and recognize what’s hot and what’s not. As a conduit for information about shareware in general, and Ambrosia Software in particular, this newsletter will remain as flexible as possible. If something is not working out, in the trash can it goes. We will replace it with something new. For example: we received zero feedback on the classified section that ran in the premier issue. Poof— it’s gone. See how easy that was. Reader feedback is greatly appreciated and will be featured where appropriate. A lot of what we learn about our own programs comes from users voicing their praise or complaints.
Navigating through this newsletter has been simplified with the use of pictures and icons. Click once on each icon to find out what it does. Also be sure to click on pictures & graphics for hidden surprises.
This newsletter will be released every odd numbered month. Currently this is one of many projects under way here at Ambrosia central. To produce this newsletter on a monthly basis would steal valuable time away from the development and testing of programs. Can’t have that. Also, we wanted to allow time to get enough information of interest and format it properly. If you are interested in a free online subscription, please drop us a line with your E—Mail address.